package ie.moguntia.webcrawler; import*; import*; import java.util.*; /** * Class with static methods that can save URLs and extract links * Works also as a standalone program, usage is: java SaveURL [] * If file is not specified, all links on the specified url are printed to the * standard console. * * This code is in the public domain. * * @author Andreas Hess , 01/02/2003 */ public class SaveURL { /** * Opens a buffered stream on the url and copies the contents to writer */ public static void saveURL(URL url, Writer writer) throws IOException { BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream()); for (int c =; c != -1; c = { writer.write(c); } } /** * Opens a buffered stream on the url and copies the contents to OutputStream */ public static void saveURL(URL url, OutputStream os) throws IOException { InputStream is = url.openStream(); byte[] buf = new byte[1048576]; int n =; while (n != -1) { os.write(buf, 0, n); n =; } } /** * Writes the contents of the url to a string by calling saveURL with a * string writer as argument */ public static String getURL(URL url) throws IOException { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); saveURL(url, sw); return sw.toString(); } /** * Writes the contents of the url to a new file by calling saveURL with * a file writer as argument */ public static void writeURLtoFile(URL url, String filename) throws IOException { // FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(filename); // saveURL(url, writer); // writer.close(); FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(filename); saveURL(url, os); os.close(); } /** * Extract links directly from a URL by calling extractLinks(getURL()) */ public static Vector extractLinks(URL url) throws IOException { return extractLinks(getURL(url)); } public static Map extractLinksWithText(URL url) throws IOException { return extractLinksWithText(getURL(url)); } /** * Extract links from a html page given as a raw and a lower case string * In order to avoid the possible double conversion from mixed to lower case * a second method is provided, where the conversion is done externally. */ public static Vector extractLinks(String rawPage, String page) { int index = 0; Vector links = new Vector(); while ((index = page.indexOf("#"); String strLink = st.nextToken(); if (! links.contains(strLink)) links.add(strLink); } return links; } /** * Extract links (key) with link text (value) * Note that due to the nature of a Map only one link text is returned per * URL, even if a link occurs multiple times with different texts. */ public static Map extractLinksWithText(String rawPage, String page) { int index = 0; Map links = new HashMap(); while ((index = page.indexOf("", index); if ((index = page.indexOf("href", index)) == -1) break; if ((index = page.indexOf("=", index)) == -1) break; int endTag = page.indexOf("#"); String strLink = st.nextToken(); String strText = ""; if (tagEnd != -1 && tagEnd + 1 <= endTag) { strText = rawPage.substring(tagEnd + 1, endTag); } strText = strText.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); links.put(strLink, strText); } return links; } /** * Extract links from a html page given as a String * The return value is a vector of strings. This method does neither check * the validity of its results nor does it care about html comments, so * links that are commented out are also retrieved. */ public static Vector extractLinks(String rawPage) { return extractLinks(rawPage, rawPage.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", " ")); } public static Map extractLinksWithText(String rawPage) { return extractLinksWithText(rawPage, rawPage.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", " ")); } /** * As a standalone program this class is capable of copying a url to a file */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { if (args.length == 1) { URL url = new URL(args[0]); System.out.println("Content-Type: " + url.openConnection().getContentType()); // Vector links = extractLinks(url); // for (int n = 0; n < links.size(); n++) { // System.out.println((String) links.elementAt(n)); // } Set links = extractLinksWithText(url).entrySet(); Iterator it = links.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry en = (Map.Entry); String strLink = (String) en.getKey(); String strText = (String) en.getValue(); System.out.println(strLink + " \"" + strText + "\" "); } return; } else if (args.length == 2) { writeURLtoFile(new URL(args[0]), args[1]); return; } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("An error occured: "); e.printStackTrace(); // System.err.println(e.toString()); } // Display usage information // (If the program had done anything sensible, we wouldn't be here.) System.err.println("Usage: java SaveURL []"); System.err.println("Saves a URL to a file."); System.err.println("If no file is given, extracts hyperlinks on url to console."); } }